
Showing posts from October, 2020

Production Diary - Day 2

  Production Diary Day 2 We move closer towards shoot week, my props have arrived (see below). Shooting has yet to begin. 

Production Diary - Day 1

Production Diary Day 1 As we get closer to 'shoot-week', the majority of props and wardrobe are in my possession. The items needed to film however, are pending. The website is, for the most part, complete with the photos and the video itself being what's missing. These will be ready and updated in the coming weeks. 


 Intertextuality The referencing of another media text or cultural product. In making this reference, the meaning is shaped and developed. An example of intertextuality is a scene in Deadpool 2, in which Deadpool, references his co-star's character in another franchise. Another example is the inclusion of Yoda and Star Wars memorabilia in E.T, this is then mimicked/cameoed as in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, E.T. can be seen as being members of the Galactic Senate.

Draft Edit

  Draft Edit


Moodboard This moodboard connotes and illustrates the themes that I hope to include in my music video - should all go to plan - themes of suicide, emotional and physical pain with a 'sprinkling' of self-help that the protagonist hopes to achieve.  

Album Cover Draft

  Album Cover Draft

Prototype Video Animatic

       Prototype Video Animatic Using images from Google, i have made a mock up/prototype animatic of how my video will play out

Shooting Schedule

  Shooting Schedule Shows the basic premise and order in which I will shoot my scenes/footage, as well as locations.

My Ideas

 My Ideas Goes over the main concepts, locations, chronology and characteristics of my video.

Mise-en-Scene In My Music Video

Mise-En-Scene In My Music Video Props : - Pill Bottles - Evidence of take-away food - Clutter on the floor (as evidence of lack of care taking) - Implements used to cause harm (for example, razors) Lighting: - Monotone, dark and gloomy - Gets warmer but reverts back to the darkness Costume: - Protagonist - changes throughout but still maintains the dark apparel aesthetic  - Support/side characters - more vivid/brighter clothing Colour: - dark colours, grey/black Location: - Bedroom - Shower/Bathroom - Public Areas (Park/Town Centre)

Music Video Treatment

  Music Video Treatment John Doe - 'Stay Happy' Album Cover Draft I want my video to illustrate the struggles people with mental health issues go through to fit in, to feel like they belong and not feel like the outsiders their mind tells them they are. With the video featuring the protagonists struggle with their depression and anxiety as well as them partaking in activities to try and help themselves, such as escapism and medication. The video can end as a cliff-hanger, in that the protagonist takes a lot of pills and falls backwards, leading the audience to interpret whether they have just passed out or committed suicide.  Scene 1: wakes up crying Scene 2: crying in shower Scene 3: changing multiple times to be comfortable Scene 4: meds Scene 5: going out into town  Scene 6:  goes home and takes meds Scene 7: takes pills and falls back