Music Video Treatment


Music Video Treatment

John Doe - 'Stay Happy'

Album Cover Draft

I want my video to illustrate the struggles people with mental health issues go through to fit in, to feel like they belong and not feel like the outsiders their mind tells them they are. With the video featuring the protagonists struggle with their depression and anxiety as well as them partaking in activities to try and help themselves, such as escapism and medication. The video can end as a cliff-hanger, in that the protagonist takes a lot of pills and falls backwards, leading the audience to interpret whether they have just passed out or committed suicide. 

Scene 1: wakes up crying

Scene 2: crying in shower

Scene 3: changing multiple times to be comfortable

Scene 4: meds

Scene 5: going out into town 

Scene 6:  goes home and takes meds

Scene 7: takes pills and falls back
